Welcome to Shamrock Class!
Our teacher is Mr Salt
Our teaching assistant is Mrs Morgan-Taylor.
Our theme for this term is The Vikings.
In Shamrock class, we enjoy learning in the classroom and outside so coats are needed all year round. We take part in PE activties on a Tuesday and a Friday each week. Children are to come to school in their uniform and change into PE kits on those days.
Your child will be set home learning activities weekly; this will be:
Maths sent out on a Wednesday and is due on Monday
English sent out on a Friday and is due on Wednesday

Children should be reading every day at home and practising their times tables on a daily basis as they will be tested weekly on a Friday.

Shamrock class have a weekly spelling test on a Friday morning and get their new spellings the same day.


Shamrock Class




We really appreciate your continued support and value the role you have to play in your child's education.

If you have any queries, please speak to Mr Salt before or after school or arrange an appointment via the school office. 



Websites to support learning:

Times Tables Rock Stars


BBC Bitesize

Purple Mash

Spelling Shed



Welcome to Shamrock Class!
Our teacher is Mr Salt
Our teaching assistant is Mrs Morgan-Taylor.
Our theme for this term is The Vikings.
In Shamrock class, we enjoy learning in the classroom and outside so coats are needed all year round. We take part in PE activties on a Tuesday and a Friday each week. Children are to come to school in their uniform and change into PE kits on those days.
Your child will be set home learning activities weekly; this will be:
Maths sent out on a Wednesday and is due on Monday
English sent out on a Friday and is due on Wednesday

Children should be reading every day at home and practising their times tables on a daily basis as they will be tested weekly on a Friday.

Shamrock class have a weekly spelling test on a Friday morning and get their new spellings the same day.


Shamrock Class




We really appreciate your continued support and value the role you have to play in your child's education.

If you have any queries, please speak to Mr Salt before or after school or arrange an appointment via the school office. 



Websites to support learning:

Times Tables Rock Stars


BBC Bitesize

Purple Mash

Spelling Shed



Welcome to Shamrock Class!
Our teacher is Mr Salt
Our teaching assistant is Mrs Morgan-Taylor.
Our theme for this term is The Vikings.
In Shamrock class, we enjoy learning in the classroom and outside so coats are needed all year round. We take part in PE activties on a Tuesday and a Friday each week. Children are to come to school in their uniform and change into PE kits on those days.
Your child will be set home learning activities weekly; this will be:
Maths sent out on a Wednesday and is due on Monday
English sent out on a Friday and is due on Wednesday

Children should be reading every day at home and practising their times tables on a daily basis as they will be tested weekly on a Friday.

Shamrock class have a weekly spelling test on a Friday morning and get their new spellings the same day.


Shamrock Class




We really appreciate your continued support and value the role you have to play in your child's education.

If you have any queries, please speak to Mr Salt before or after school or arrange an appointment via the school office. 



Websites to support learning:

Times Tables Rock Stars


BBC Bitesize

Purple Mash

Spelling Shed