Welcome to Daffodil Class!
Welcome to Daffodil Class!
The teacher in Daffodil Class is Mrs Boote and the class teaching assistants are Mrs Bolton and Mrs Reddall. Mrs Doree also supports groups of children within Daffodil Class during the week.
In Daffodil class activities are planned through half termly themes with some subjects being taught based upon specific objectives for each year group.
Thematic overviews are sent home at the beginning of every half term. We enjoy learning in the classrooms and outside so coats are needed all year round. This term our topic is Houses and Homes
Each child in Daffodil Class is given a reading book for you to read at homeand you are encouraged to record any reading you do at home in the reading journal. Reading books are chosen based upon assessments carried out in class, and the reading system we use may mean that different levels within a published scheme may be within your child’s allocated stage of books. Children are encouraged to change their books regularly. Additional guided reading sessions also take place in class using a range of books.
Home learning activities are sent out on a weekly basis. In EYFS we encourage daily reading at home and practising of the letters sounds and words sent home in the word packet each week. Following 20
reads at home every child chooses a reward from the class reward box. In Year 1 activities are sent home on a Monday in a homework folder. These activities will usually include a spelling activity based upon the weekly phonics work and a maths or topic activity. These are to be completed and handed in by the end of the week so that they can be marked and the folders prepared for the following week. Log-in details for PurpleMash are sent home and updated annually to support home learning activities. Spellings are sent out on a Monday to practice at home and then tested the following Friday in school. Spelling folders should be returned to school daily so that the children can practice each day in class. We take part in PE activities on Tuesday and Thursday each week, and children are expected to have a PE kit to change into.
If you have any queries about what is happening in Daffodil Class please do not hesitate to speak to us or you can send a message through the office by e- mail or telephone
Topic overviews 2024-25
EYFS and KS1 Long term Curriculum Plan
Useful websites