What parents need to know about Accelerated Reading.
Accelerated reading is a computer program that will help to develop your child's independent reading. It works in a simple way; your child will pick a book at their own level, and when finished will take a sort quiz on the computer. The quiz is a new feature of how we change books at school, but is a really important addition. If your child can pass a quiz about what they have read then this tells us that they have fully understood the content of their book.
Children in year 1-6 have been assigned a Z.P.D which is their reading band. The school books have all been newly labelled and put into bands that will help guide you child in choosing a book.
As part of our reading programme we ask the children to read at home to an adult at least 3 times per week, fill in their reading diary and have it signed by a parent. We would gratefully appreciate your support in helping your child to do this, as ultimately the reading practise that your child gets outside of school contributes greatly towards them becoming a confident, successful reader.
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