Pupil Voice Groups

At Buntinsgdale we like to listen to our children, involving them in making decisions and taking care of our school. We decided to develop a range of pupil voice groups to enable a wide spectrum of the children to be involved.


We have the following pupil voice groups, all of which are led by our wonderful teaching assistants.


The Sports Crew Our group is all about working together responsibly to:
 Organise our sports equipment and report back to Mrs Brimley if we are running low on any supplies
 Regularly tidy the sports cupboard and outside shed
 Distribute and collect in competition kits and keep these well-ordered.
 Update the competition board in the hall showing what the next sports competition is and when it will be held.
 Update the competition board with results, achievements and photographs from competitions
 Help Mrs Jackson set up for the weekly after school netball or football clubs and lead warm-ups.

The Pupil Safety Team is a small group of mixed age pupils chosen by school staff to keep our children as safe as we possibly can. Their role is to provide pupil voice via gathering ideas and views to represent whole school. The team members are Brooke,Saula,Alfred,Amelie,Sophia and Elijah.


Welcome to our Eco-warriors group. In the last two years we have created a wildflower garden, helped to maintain flower beds around school, taken part in the Big Garden Birdwatch and in the Big Battery Hunt, recycling over 3000 batteries.
This year we are looking forward to planting more flowers to encourage more wildlife and encouraging everyone in school to do lots more recycling.

Wellbeing Champions

Our wellbeing champions are passionate about the health and wellbeing of all pupils at Buntingsdale. They help to deliver positive health and wellbeing activities to improve our mental health and to encourange building resilience.

Our wellbeing champions at Buntingsdale are

  • Kuini
  • Kelsey
  • Thomas
  • Tilly
  • Elijah
  • Paislee
  • Loki (School Dog)

Activities for this academic year include

  • Making friendship bracelets
  • Random acts of kindness
  • Compliment slips
  • Wow wall-something you are proud of
  • Mindfulness activities
  • Book swap
  • Dance!

The champs will meet half termly with Mrs Reddall to plan and deliver one of these activties to the rest of the school