Mrs Morgan-Taylor has recently qualified as our schools ELSA support.
ELSA stand for Emotional Literacy Support Assistant and is a member of staff who has had special training from Educational Psychologists to support the emotional development of children and young people in school.
Sessions could be 1:1 or small groups and they offer emotional support and well being strategies for chidren who need extra support. ELSA acknowledges that children learn best whent their emotional needs are being met and they feel happy.
ELSA can help with many things including;
Social skills and situations
Anger managment
Self esteem
Friendship issues
Sessions run for 6 weeks in the first instance and are proving very beneficial with the chldren that have already had sessions. If you feel your chid would benefit - maybe there are behaviors at home that you'd like us to try and help with?
Please see Mrs Morgan-Taylor to have a brief chat.