At Buntingsdale, we intend to provide our pupils with a high-quality, broad and challenging mathematics curriculum by adopting a mastery approach. Our curriculum will allow for all children to become fluent in the fundamentals of maths - developing their conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately. Children will be able to reason mathematically by justifying, making links to known facts, or providing proof using mathematical language. Understanding of concepts will be challenged through carefully selected problem solving tasks. At Buntingsdale, mathematical skills and knowledge are reinforced through links with other subjects such as science, computing and design technology. We will ensure that all children, regardless of their starting point, are equipped with the foundations of mathematics that are essential to everyday life.
At Buntingsdale, we teach Mathematics daily using the Maths No Problem scheme of work - based on a mastery approach to learning which encompasses the National Curriculum (2014) year group expectations. The Maths No Problem scheme enables children to explore key mathematical concepts and procedures in small steps – supported through a variety of concrete, pictorial and abstract representations. Time is spent reinforcing past learning regularly to ensure that children continue to develop previously taught skills through early morning work and regular intervention sessions where required. Alongside the Maths No Problem materials, we use a range of other resources to ensure that our offer is rich and varied. These include: NCETM materials, Nrich, Third Space Learning, Classroom Secrets and White Rose Materials. These are used across EYFS, KS1 and KS2, allowing children to be exposed to a variety of different types of learning and to ensure coverage of fluency, problem solving and reasoning in different formats. Staff in all year groups access ongoing CPD as part of our local NCETM maths hub – ensuring that they are all equipped with the resources, knowledge and skills they need to deliver a high-quality mathematics curriculum.
As a result of our carefully sequenced mastery curriculum, pupils will leave Buntingsdale being able to: