Children and young people spend a lot of time online – it can be a great way for them to socialise, explore and have fun. But children do also face risks like cyberbullying or seeing content that's inappropriate. Staying safe on the web can be difficult because it can be hard to keep track of all the latest sites and apps that children are interested in. On this page we will try to keep help you stay up to date so that we can all work together to keep our children safe.
5 digital parenting rules that REALLY matter
1. Building a child’s digital resilience will keep them safer than blocking or filtering
2. Don’t limit the talk you have with your child to ‘the online safety conversation’
3. Balance taking an interest in your child’s online activities with giving them the space to be independent
4. Don’t be afraid to set boundaries
5. Concentrate on how children use digital media rather than for how long
Video games
Please click on the links below to find out information about the video games your children play. The site explains where to find the most up to date information for setting parental controls on consoles and explains how PEGI ratings work.
This site lets you find out if a game is suitable for your child
Social media
You tube - guidelines for use
Snap chat - guide for parents
Instagram - guide for parents
Facebook - guide for parents
Parental controls
How to set up privacy for Iphone
How to set up privacy for Android