Thistle Class
Class teacher- Miss Baxter
Teaching Assistants – Mrs Hoggarth, Mrs Redall
Our Themes for this term is: The Stone Age
In Thistle class, we enjoy learning in the classrooms and outside so coats are needed all year round. Children are to have both indoor and outdoor P.E kits which are left in school or brought in on the correct days. This half term, we take part in PE activities on a Wednesday (Swimming) and Friday (Football) each week.
Your child will be set home learning activities weekly. This will be given out on a Monday and is due on Friday unless otherwise stated. Children should be reading every day at home and practising their times tables on a daily basis as they will be tested weekly. Thistle class will be given a weekly spelling focus each week on a Monday and will then be tested on this on Friday.
If you would like to talk about anything further, please feel free to ask a staff member of Thistle class after school.
Thistle Class
Class teacher- Miss Baxter
Teaching Assistants – Mrs Hoggarth, Mrs Redall
Our Themes for this term is: The Stone Age
In Thistle class, we enjoy learning in the classrooms and outside so coats are needed all year round. Children are to have both indoor and outdoor P.E kits which are left in school or brought in on the correct days. This half term, we take part in PE activities on a Wednesday (Swimming) and Friday (Football) each week.
Your child will be set home learning activities weekly. This will be given out on a Monday and is due on Friday unless otherwise stated. Children should be reading every day at home and practising their times tables on a daily basis as they will be tested weekly. Thistle class will be given a weekly spelling focus each week on a Monday and will then be tested on this on Friday.
If you would like to talk about anything further, please feel free to ask a staff member of Thistle class after school.
Thistle Class
Class teacher- Miss Baxter
Teaching Assistants – Mrs Hoggarth, Mrs Redall
Our Themes for this term is: The Stone Age
In Thistle class, we enjoy learning in the classrooms and outside so coats are needed all year round. Children are to have both indoor and outdoor P.E kits which are left in school or brought in on the correct days. This half term, we take part in PE activities on a Wednesday (Swimming) and Friday (Football) each week.
Your child will be set home learning activities weekly. This will be given out on a Monday and is due on Friday unless otherwise stated. Children should be reading every day at home and practising their times tables on a daily basis as they will be tested weekly. Thistle class will be given a weekly spelling focus each week on a Monday and will then be tested on this on Friday.
If you would like to talk about anything further, please feel free to ask a staff member of Thistle class after school.